Our Business Case

As business psychologists, we at Sigma transact, know that the right culture and behaviours drive success. Through engaging your people and customers in shaping the future we can support you to deliver exceptional results.

Inclusive, Maximising Opportunity

Ensuring everyone has the best, and equal opportunity to demonstrate their strengths at work is not just an ethical standpoint – it’s a business necessity

Innovative and Fresh

There is no point trying to coach your people to be agile and innovative, if your HR/Talent interventions aren’t. We believe we are refreshing because we embrace new ideas and make them happen

High-Impact Experiences

We design this experience to be brilliant for all involved, for your job candidates, your development cohort, and also any managers who are supporting your programme, e.g. observers.

Valid, Deliver Measureable Results

As Psychologists we take a scientific approach, using only reliable and proven tools to make the important, high-stakes decisions that affect peoples’ lives.

We are collaborative, responsive business partners.

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What We Offer

We specialize in all recruitment and selection processes, training and development and organizational development

Selection and assessment

Offering robust selection and assessment processes through the use of personality tests and psychometric tests for job candidates and for high-level internal and external executive recruitment as well as restructuring processes. We evaluate and validate existing procedures and ensure that the recruitment and selection process helps you select individuals that best fit your organization.

Assessment centers

These come in the form of a structured day with multiple psychometric assessment exercises conducted to measure skills and job criteria. Our assessment centers comply with the Allied Health Practitioners Council guidelines and these are designed against your competency framework. If you do not have one, we can help you create one for your organization.

Individual executive assessments

Here we will help you choose the right leaders that best fit your organization. This can be for internal or external promotion or restructuring exercises, therefore, helping you know exactly whom you will be getting.

Organizational Development

To increase your organizational effectiveness, we work diligently with you so that you achieve your organizational goals.

Our team will help you with work design, employee engagement surveys and with how you can build and manage the culture within the workplace

Training and development

Development centers are designed to assist you in identifying your needs and your employees potential to develop and to meet future criteria:
Improving communication within teams
Understanding individual differences within teams
Leadership and management of teams
Team building
Motivated and satisfied teams

Wellbeing and wellness

We believe that an employer has the duty of care to take reasonable steps towards ensuring the workforce health, safety and wellbeing. Due to economic circumstances, there is an increase in depression, anxiety, stress and several mental health issues. We use occupational psychology techniques to provide, guidance, information and support to address issues that assist employees to access the support they need quickly.

Selection of Staff

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